Fox & Fogarty Mascots
ZoZo, Zoey McZozo,
Type: Golden Doodle
Owner: Rebecca Smith
Even though she was the clearance puppy, she will always be priceless to us. Zoey is the most loyal dog, she follows us everywhere we go. Her favorite spot is next to us on the couch or cozied up in bed with us. She thinks she is a lap dog even though she weighs 65 pounds. She loves tennis balls and will play catch for hours, she is still a puppy at heart! She is the sweetest and we are so happy she found us!
Smallsa, smallie
Type: Tuxedo Cat
Owner: Scott Crammond
A wild and crazy hurricane Irma rescue cat. She enjoys running in circles, playing with dog toys, long stares out the window, and destroying house plants!
Crush Wrap Supreme, Crushtopher, Crushanator
Type: Boxer
Owner: Scott Crammond
Crush is foster fail, who found his way in Scott‘s home when his original parents were deployed. Crush was such a natural fit he decided to stick around with the blessing of his previous owners. He is a wimpy boxer who lives to chase tennis balls!
Hildegard of Knoxville
Hildie, Hilbie, Bilbie, Hill, Bill
Type: Tennessee Brown Hound
Owner: Scott Crammond
She is a mutt that acts like a potato at home, but comes alive while walking on the trail!
Wizard Face
Owner: Tyler Fogarty
Scruffy white beard, crystal blue eyes, huge gray eyebrows, lots of energy, and fast as a lynx!
Miss Dow, Doe Doe, Chat, DD Girl
Breed: Domestic Shorthaired Tabby
Owner: Nadany Neuhaus
Bio: DD is a sassy old tabby. She is my eldest child and the self-appointed supervisor of our household. Fun Fact- Erika is terrified of her LOL
Princess Jazmine "Jazzy"
Owner: Erika Stafford
Full of spunk and personality. Jazmine is clearly the cutest little German Shepherd mix you have ever seen. Just 12 weeks old and loves to run, run, run, and run. She chases frisbees, instead of tennis balls. Her favorite things to do are hang out with her big sister Stella and go to local parks. She is shy with other dogs but when it comes to humans, she is super outgoing and friendly, especially to the little humans.